Sunday November 5, 1-4pm
Free and open to public, complimentary appetizers.
Presentation and discussion with three iconic AURA artists!
2:00 pm, TED LILLEY: “Painting in Three Dimensions”
'During my professional life as materials scientist I was always interested in innovation. For example at St Gobain/Norton I led an R and D group seeking to create new or improved high tech ceramic materials for medical application, eg replacement hip joints. Once my scientific work came to an end I slowly became an artist but always thinking of innovation for the process art I was developing. This has led me to make my paintings three dimensional, flat no more.
The deformed paper on which I paint catches the light simultaneously at all kind of different angles. the optical effect can be spectacular when the colors unite to form a coherent whole.'
2.40 pm, MADELEINE LORD: “Junk for Joy”
Viewing and discussing multiple welded and cut and painted steel sculptures throughout the gallery.
3.20 pm, ERIC NICHOLS: "Pandemic Haircut"
Discussing his Lithophane artwork and his use of 3-D printing technology.